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Scott Geophysics Ltd.

March 30, 2015

From: Gord Stewart
Scott Geophysics Ltd.
4013 W 14th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.  V6R 2X3

Re: Testimonial IP Receiver

Late 2014 one of our Scott Geophysics helpers was backpacking a GDD GRx 8-32 receiver down a cut line when he stumbled and slipped into a deep swamp.  The Receiver became completely submerged while the helper struggled to get out of the water. That night I opened the receiver, removing the sealed main board to see if any moisture got inside.  I was surprised to see it was completely dry.

I knew the GDD Receivers were water tight, (ie: Ok to operate in the rain with the lid open) but I didn't expect it to withstand full submergence for 20 seconds or more without a leak.

This experience has re-enforced my confidence in the GDD Receiver's ruggedness in hostile environments.

Gord Stewart

Senior Crew Chief

Scott Geophysics Ltd.
4013 W 14th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.  V6R 2X3


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1963 rue Frank-Carrel
Suite 203
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